
成功从这里开始PK3至8th 年级


的果实 沉默就是祈祷
的果实 祷告就是信心
的果实 信仰就是爱
的果实 爱就是服务
的果实 服务就是和平


作为天主教教区和学校, we help families grow in their faith relationship with Christ 和 his 教堂. 圣经, 天主教会的教义问答, 和 Catholic Social teachings are the foundation of our instruction. Students learn through religious instruction, service, liturgy 和 prayer. Catholic truths 和 values are integrated in all lessons taught in order for students to gain a unique perspective of daily life.

Some of the activities included in our curriculum are:

  • Daily prayer led by students during broadcast morning announcements, 中午祈祷, 下午的祈祷
  • 每堂课开始时祷告
  • 每周学校弥撒
  • 圣日的学校弥撒
  • 参观石窟
  • 圣礼的讲解
  • 三年级到八年级的和解
  • 万圣节庆祝活动
  • 降临节的主题是基督的诞生
  • 天主教学校周庆祝活动
  • 卢尔德圣母节的活玫瑰经
  • 圣周期间的十字架之路
  • 学生撤退
  • 神圣的准备
    • Preparation 和 reception of First Reconciliation for 2nd graders
    • Preparation 和 reception of First Holy Communion for 2nd graders
    • Preparation 和 reception of Confirmation for 7th graders
  • 五月玛丽加冕礼

PK 3

书: 上帝的爱的故事- 3和4 (Benziger)


  • 耶稣和我的老师欢迎我.
  • 上帝知道我,也爱我.
  • 上帝赐予我们一切美好的东西.
  • 耶稣是神的儿子.
  • 我属于我的教会家庭.
  • 我告诉上帝我爱他.

全年, the student listen to stories from the Bible about God's love. They start learning about religious objects or sacramentals, 神圣家族, 然后开始学习画十字.

PK 4

书: 神的爱的故事- 4和5 (Benziger)


  • 神知道我们,也爱我们.
  • 上帝给了我们世界.
  • 耶稣是神的儿子.
  • 神赐给我们教会的大家庭.
  • 我们在祷告中与神对话.
  • 我们庆祝神圣的日子和节日.

全年, the children listen to stories from the Bible about God's love. 他们学习什么是圣经, 十字架和降临节花环, practice the sign of the cross 和 continue to learn about 神圣家族. 他们也学习念珠和祈祷念珠.


书: 我们相信——上帝创造了世界 (不幸的是)

The focus of 幼儿园 is learning how creation 和 the life 和 teachings of Jesus reflect God's love. 全年, the students will develop their ability to work 和 cooperate with others 和 care for others as Jesus did. This is accomplished by learning how to show respect, kindness 和 compassion. They will pray everyday not only for themselves but for others also. 学生也将学习礼仪年, celebrate Mass 和 explore the sacraments of Baptism 和 Eucharist.


  • 上帝给了我们许多礼物.
  • 上帝是我们的创造者.
  • 耶稣向我们显明神的爱.
  • 耶稣要我们分享神的爱.

1st 年级

书: 我们相信-神爱我们 (不幸的是)

一年级的重点是上帝对我们的爱. 全年, the students will learn about our faith 和 will underst和 that as followers of Jesus, 我们属于教会. They will celebrate 和 live our faith by celebrating the Mass, 每天祈祷, sharing their faith with others 和 by choosing to show love 和 respect to all.


  • 耶稣教导我们神的爱.
  • 我们是耶稣的跟随者 .
  • 我们属于教会.
  • 我们庆祝并实践我们的信仰.

2nd 年级

书: 我们相信——耶稣分享神的生命 (不幸的是)

The focus of 年级 2 is Jesus 和 how he shares his life. During this year, the students will learn about their faith, 和 celebrate the Mass 和 sacraments. 他们将通过每天祈祷来活出他们的信仰, sharing the faith with others 和 choosing to show love 和 respect. The students will also receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation 和 First Communion.


  • 耶稣基督永远与我们同在.
  • 耶稣呼召我们忏悔与和解.
  • 耶稣在圣餐中献出了自己.
  • 我们奉行天主教信仰.

3rd 年级

书: 我们相信-我们是教会 (不幸的是)

三年级的重点是教会. The students will underst和 that the 教堂 in every age has embraced the mission of evangelization, proclaiming the gospel of Jesus through its catechetical ministry. 整个学年, they will appreciate that Jesus gave us the 教堂 和 calls us to discipleship. We become members of the 教堂 who leads us in worship.


  • 耶稣给了我们教会.
  • 我们是教会的成员.
  • 教会带领我们敬拜.
  • 我们被呼召做门徒.

4th 年级

书: 我们相信——神的律法指引我们 (不幸的是)

四年级的重点是道德. The curriculum extends beyond the material that was presented in 年级 3 to include learning about the Beatitudes 和 the Ten Comm和ments. 整个学年, Jesus is presented to the students as the model of Christian life 和 love. 也, moral values are encouraged by looking at the lives of people who live according to those values.


  • 在耶稣基督里成长.
  • 诫命帮助我们爱神.
  • 诫命帮助我们去爱别人.
  • 我们被召唤成为圣洁.

5th 年级

书: 我们相信-我们在圣礼中遇见耶稣 (不幸的是)

五年级的重点是七圣礼. The students will learn about each of the Seven Sacraments, 圣经中每个圣礼的根源, 以及今天教会庆祝的方式. They will study the symbols 和 rituals used in the celebration of each sacrament, 和 appreciate that in each sacrament we encounter Jesus Christ 和 receive the gift of grace to do what is right. 除了, they will deepen their experience of prayer 和 learn about Catholic devotions 和 the use of sacramentals. The students will also learn to love 和 serve as Jesus did 和 to invite others to follow Jesus.


  • 耶稣基督与我们分享他的生命.
  • 入会圣礼.
  • 疗愈的圣礼使我们恢复.
  • We love 和 serve as Jesus did - the sacraments of Service or Commitment.

6th 年级

书: 我们相信——我们是神的子民 (不幸的是)

我们六年级课程的重点是旧约. The study of the Hebrew 圣经s puts the children in touch with the roots of our faith. 作为六年级学生, 他们试图理解上帝是谁, are more inclined to be guided by reason than by imagination. Nevertheless, imagination continues to play an important role in their underst和ing of God. 因此, 圣经故事, 角色扮演, music 和 poetry will be used to deepen their relationship with God.


  • 救恩历史.
  • 上帝立约.
  • 建立契约国家.

7th 年级

书: 我们活出我们的信仰——作为耶稣的门徒 (不幸的是)

The focus of our 年级 7 program is the New Testament 和 the Sacraments. Seventh-grade students will come to know Jesus as one who grew up in his sense of identity 和 purpose, 尽管他们做得很多. They will encounter Jesus as someone who trusted his Father 和 who shows us his way to acceptance 和 obedience to the Father's will. The students will also appreciate the contemporary Catholic underst和ing of 圣经 和 give them tools to avoid fundamentalistic leanings that distort real Catholic doctrine 和 圣经 itself. 除了, as the students prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation, 他们将探索教会的礼拜仪式, especially the seven sacraments making the liturgical life of the 教堂 their own.


  • 上帝是谁??
  • 耶稣是谁??
  • 耶稣基督今日如何活在教会里?
  • 七件圣事.

8th 年级

书: 我们活出我们的信仰-作为教会的成员 (不幸的是)

The focus of our 年级 8 program is morality 和 the 教堂. The program is rooted in a desire to effectively serve our young people 和 guide them on their faith journey, inviting them to embark into the mystery of faith 和 the challenge of discipleship. It will emphasize the following teachings: formation of a good conscience, learning respect for God's law through the Ten Comm和ments 和 the Beatitudes, 对我们的自由意志负有责任, 以及我们对圣洁的召唤. This is achieved by involving the students in a variety of prayers, 项目和敬拜经历, 也通过媒体和音乐的使用.


  • 回应神的爱.
  • 做出道德选择.
  • 遵守神的律法.
  • 爱上帝和他人.
  • 尊重生命和创造.
  • 尊重所有人.
  • 早期教会.
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